
Car Accident Lawyer in Palm Beach Gardens

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Have you or a loved one been involved in a severe car accident in Palm Beach Gardens? If so, seeking legal representation may be essential for your recovery. The Law Office of Roger P. Foley, located in West Palm Beach, can provide the experienced support and representation you need. Our team of skilled car accident professionals understand the physical and financial difficulties that arise from serious injuries or fatalities. We are dedicated to helping you navigate the legal process and obtain the compensation you deserve, so you can focus on healing and moving forward. Contact us today for a free consultation.

We know that time is of the essence when it comes to filing a legal claim against the person responsible and/or their insurance carrier. That's why when searching for auto accident attorneys are here to guide you through the process and ensure that you receive the compensation you deserve. Don't wait to seek legal counsel - contact our car accident lawyers today to schedule a consultation.

Unsure About Your Car Accident Claim? Our Personal Injury Law Firm Can Help You Navigate the Process.

If you've recently been in a car accident and are curious about your legal options, our car accident legal team is here to provide the guidance you need. We understand that this can be a confusing and overwhelming time, and we are committed to helping you determine whether you have a automobile accident negligence claim against the other vehicle driver.

Our team will take the necessary steps to investigate your case, including retrieving the police report and determining whether the other driver(s) have bodily injury insurance. We'll work with you to understand the details of your accident and provide an honest assessment of your case.

At our personal injury law firm, we believe in providing compassionate and effective legal representation to our clients. Don't hesitate to contact us to schedule a consultation and find out if you have a possible car accident lawsuit.

How Do Lawyers Determine If I Have A Good Car Accident Case?

Several factors will need to be assessed. These may include:

  • Date and location of the auto accident?
  • What was the cause of car crash?
  • Who was at fault for the vehicle collision?
  • Whether any traffic infractions or criminal offenses were cited by the police
  • The level and nature of the injuries sustained in the accident
  • Whether emergency medical treatment was received, and which hospital was visited, if any
  • Whether additional medical specialists were consulted after the hospital visit and their names
  • The insurance carrier and policy limits of the parties involved, including underinsured motorist coverage held by the victim
  • Whether surgery or other medical treatment will be required for the injuries
  • Whether a police report or accident case number has been received.
  • Three Simple Factors Used By Personal Injury lawyers In Deciding If It’s A Good Car Accident Case
  • Liability: Determining who is at fault for the accident.
  • Damages: Assessing the level of the injuries and losses incurred in the accident.
  • Insurance Coverage: Reviewing the insurance policies of the parties involved to determine coverage and potential compensation.

Liability is typically determined by identifying the party responsible for causing the accident. In some cases, liability may be clear, such as when a driver is rear-ended while stopped at a red light. However, when an accident involves multiple cars on a highway like I-95, determining liability can be more complex. In such cases, issues of modified comparative negligence may arise and may need to be argued to determine the responsible party or parties.

The level of damages in a car accident case are assessed based on the nature and severity of the injuries sustained and the required medical treatment. Damages include all medical bills, lost work earnings, and compensation for pain and suffering experienced as a result of the accident

The monetary limits of the insurance policy determine the level of insurance coverage available, which can vary widely. Some individuals may have low cost policies with low coverage limits, while others, such as commercial vehicles, may have several million dollars in coverage. In a standard two-automobile accident, determining insurance coverage can typically be done by contacting the involved insurance companies. Upon being contacted, insurance companies must provide a written response regarding policy coverages with 30 days.

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Uninsured Motorist Coverage in Florida

It is important to consider premium insurance coverage known as "UM Coverage" or uninsured motorist coverage. This insurance pays for injuries sustained by anyone in your vehicle, if the at fault driver has no insurance or is does not have enough insurance. For instance, if you are involved in a car accident and suffer a broken leg requiring surgery, your case may be worth $175k. However, if the negligent driver has no insurance or only has $20k in bodily injury insurance, you may receive nothing or a maximum of $20k. This amount may not cover your medical fees, which could exceed $75k. Uninsured motorist coverage can help in such situations by additional insurance coverage for your bodily injuries. This UM coverage is not applicable to property damage, it is for bodily injury only.

To ensure proper protection during a car accident, it is advisable to request uninsured or underinsured coverage from your insurance agent. For a few extra dollars each month, it will be helpful if you are injured in a car crash and the other party is not insured or underinsured. Your own insurance company will pay for damages.

Insurance agents may not offer uninsured motorist coverage unless specifically requested. Therefore, it is recommended to contact your insurance provider and request UM coverage. If you have any questions or concerns, don't hesitate to contact the Palm Beach Gardens Accident Attorneys at the Law Office of Roger P. Foley at (561) 746-7076 for assistance.

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What Are Two Issues Seen By Motor Vehicle Accident Victims?
  • Dealing with physical injuries: Car accidents can result in a wide range of physical injuries, some of which can be life-altering or require long-term medical treatment. Victims may experience pain, suffering, and emotional distress as a result of their injuries.
  • Financial strain: Car accidents can also result in significant financial strain for victims. Medical bills, loss of employment, and vehicle repairs can quickly add up, causing financial hardship for victims and their families. In cases where the victim is not at fault for the accident, they may be entitled to compensation for these financial losses.

Facing the challenges of physical injuries and financial strain following a car accident can be overwhelming for victims. Insurance adjusters may offer a low settlement fee but accepting these offers may not adequately cover all your losses. That's why it's essential to seek the services of the best car crash attorneys in your area to help you.

In Palm Beach County, a top-rated personal injury lawyer can help you acquire the maximum amount of financial compensation possible, providing some relief in a challenging situation. For instance, if you have serious injuries resulting from a rear-end collision and the at fault has a five hundred-thousand-dollar policy limit, accepting a settlement of $50,000 may not logical. Your legal counsel should understand the value of your injuries and request the money to pay for those damages.

Don't Hesitate – “Just Call Me” Roger P. Foley - Palm Beach Gardens Personal Injury

It is important to note that in Florida, the statute of limitations for an auto accident case is two years. Seeking prompt medical treatment after a car accident is crucial, not only for your health and wellbeing but also for your legal case. In addition, there is a significant amount of work for an attorney when preparing a car accident case, including gathering evidence, communicating with insurance companies, and negotiating settlements. Prior to contacting the insurance company, a thorough investigation is also required to ensure that all parties responsible for the accident are held accountable. Therefore, if you have been involved in a car accident, it is recommended to consult with a qualified car accident attorney as soon as possible to ensure the best possible outcome for your case.

Consulting with a Palm Beach Gardens Car Accident Attorney Can Make a Difference in Your Case. If you have been in a car accident in Florida, that resulted in physical injury, it is important to seek legal representation to discuss your options. Our office is available to help you with your car accident case. We offer free consultations. Just Call Me at (561) 746-7076.

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What Are Five Reasons To Hire A Palm Beach Gardens Auto Accident Lawyer?
  • Major Injuries: It's common for car accident victims to believe their injuries are minor at first and avoid seeking medical attention. However, injuries may become more apparent over time and require further treatment. Delayed medical attention can result in insurance claims being denied, leaving you responsible for medical bills. Being checked out a doctor shortly after an accident is crucial. It is also recommended that you consult with a Palm Beach Gardens car accident attorney to decide on a legal strategy.
  • Injuries that become known after time: Accepting an immediate offer from an insurance company without knowing the full level of your injuries may result in inadequate compensation. If you later discover that your injuries are more severe than initially thought, you will not be able to receive additional compensation. An experienced car accident attorney in Palm Beach County will caution you to wait and allow doctors to determine all injuries before accepting an insurance settlement.
  • Failure To Request Money For “Pain And Suffering”: Insurance companies may offer settlements that do not include payment for pain and suffering. A car accident attorney representing Palm Beach Garden residents understands what a jury verdict may provide in monetary damages and use that knowledge to negotiate a better settlement. Insurance companies frequently pay higher settlements when an attorney is involved.
  • Failing To Realize That Having The Identical Insurance Company Does Not Make Claim Simpler: Many believe that having the same insurance company as the other driver involved in the accident will make it easier to receive compensation. However, insurance companies are motivated to pay out the least possible to protect their profits. A Palm Beach Gardens car wreck attorney can represent your interests by conferring with your providers to understand the complexity of your injuries.
  • Live Your Life While Your Personal Injury Lawyer Does The Work: Negotiating with insurance companies can be challenging, especially when they have aggressive adjusters trying to persuade you to take a lower settlement. A Palm Beach County car accident attorney can fight for maximum amount of money while you focus on your recovery and making positive changes in your life.

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Modified Comparative Negligence And Auto Accident Cases:

In Florida, modified comparative negligence is the law. This means that if you are partially at fault for the accident, your compensation may be reduced. For example, if you are awarded $100,000 in damages but are found to be 20% at fault, you would only receive $80,000. Additionally, if you are considered to be 50% or more responsible then you can’t collect anything. A skilled Palm Beach Gardens car accident will review the other party's level of fault and work to minimize their modified comparative negligence counter claim, ensuring you the maximum financial settlement.

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Receiving A Traffic Ticket Doesn't Mean You Can't File an Insurance Claim

Whether you have a legit case, in Florida, it's important to not make assumptions. Instead, seek the advice of a qualified car accident lawyer who can assess your situation. And the good news is that all attorneys offer free consultations. Here is some information to help you:

  • Accident Report Privilege in Florida: Anything uttered to a police officer during an investigation of a vehicle crash is inadmissible as evidence against the speaker in a criminal or civil lawsuit. This means that any report or statement made to police and written in a police report, cannot be used against them at all. Blood alcohol levels are admissible in civil cases.
  • Issuance Of A Traffic Ticket Does Not Bar You from Filing a Personal Injury Lawsuit: Contrary to popular belief, receiving a traffic citation following a car crash does not prevent you from filing a personal injury lawsuit for your injuries. Any citations given are not shown to the jury. The jury is the ultimate fact finder and decides negligence. So, don't let a traffic ticket discourage you from seeking legal recourse for your injuries.

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What Types Of Compensation Can Be Awarded For A Car Accident?

The injury lawyers at the Law Office of Roger P. Foley will strive to ensure that all expenses related to your accident are covered. This includes not only the initial medical bills and transport, but also expenses related to consultations with medical specialists, diagnostic tests, medications, etc. Additionally, if you require future medical services, we will work to ensure that you receive the compensation necessary to cover those expenses.

Loss Of Income: What You Need To Know After A Car Accident

After a car accident, you may be unable to work due to your injuries. If this is the case, you may be compensated for lost income.

Additionally, if your injuries are severe enough that you are unable to return to work in the future, you may be able to sue for loss of future wages. This means you can receive compensation for the income you would have earned if you were still able to work in your previous capacity. The amount of compensation you can receive for lost wages will depend on the seriousness of your injury and when you can go back to work. It is important to consult with a car accident attorney to determine what you may be entitled to.

Compensation For Physical And Mental Pain After A Car Accident

After an auto collision, you may experience physical pain and mental anguish that can affect your daily activities. These changes can cause you to miss out on activities you previously enjoyed and even make simple tasks like eating on your own difficult. You deserve compensation for this struggle. Your previous quality of life should be considered when determining the amount of payment to be received for physical pain and mental anguish caused by the accident.

Deprivation of Family Relationship/ Loss Consortium

In wrecks that cause permanent disability or death, the immediate family of the injured person receive money for the “loss of companionship”. This compensation is known as loss of consortium and can be awarded to a spouse who has lost the company, cooperation, and aid of their partner. The case of Gates v. Foley explains this legal principle as more than just the physical relationship between spouses. It includes the companionship, solace, comfort, and assistance necessary for a successful marriage.

To put it simply, loss of consortium means that if you experience any of the following due to the injuries suffered in a car accident, you may have a claim for compensation:

  • Your marriage has broken down
  • You have lost companionship
  • Your sex life has been affected
  • You are unable to have children.
Compensation For Property Damage In A Car Accident

In a car accident, the vehicles involved usually sustain damage. Whether your car can be fixed or not. You have the right to be compensated for your loss. If your car can be fixed, its resale value may decrease, especially if it has a major accident on its carfax. You may also receive compensation for the cost of renting a car while yours is being fixed. Moreover, if any personal items inside your car were damaged or lost, such as a laptop or phone, you may also be given payment for those loses. In Florida, property damage must be included in the same legal action as any injury claims.

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What Injuries Are Frequently Caused By Car Accidents? Spinal Injuries Caused By Car Accidents

Car accidents can result in serious back and neck injuries due to the impact on the body. These injuries range from minor neck sprains to severe spinal cord damage leading to paralysis. The problem with back and neck injuries is that indications of injury may not appear immediately after the accident. It is crucial to seek medical attention for any possible injury. Prompt medical attention also helps to document the injuries adequately for a potential civil case.

Common Head Injuries From Car Accidents

Car accidents can cause various classes of head injuries, ranging from mild to severe. During an accident, your head may be thrown in multiple directions, causing it to collide with different areas of the vehicle. This can result in traumatic brain injury, TBI, where the brain swells due to the impact. TBI can have serious long-term consequences, such as cognitive impairment. Other less severe skull injuries may include cuts and abrasions, or a mild concussion. It's essential to seek medical attention after a car accident to diagnose and document any head injuries, regardless of their severity.

Bone Fractures In a car accident

The impact of a car accident can result in the breakage of bones. The process of repairing a broken bone may require orthopedic surgery, which involves inserting rods and screws to fix the bone and promote proper healing. Many victims of car accidents in Palm Beach sustain broken bones, which can cause pain, swelling, and deformity. Sometimes, the bone may even protrude out or make a snapping sound. However, in some cases, there may only be a small hairline with minimal swelling. Seek a medical consult immediately after a car collision, pain may not start for hours or days after the accident.

Herniated Disks During A Car Accident

The body can experience various injuries, one of which is a herniated disk. A herniated disk occurs when a disk becomes misaligned, causing the cushion between vertebrae to bulge out and interfere with a nerve. This can result in numbness and pain in the extremities. Symptoms can be a persistent pain that limits movement. Seeking medical attention promptly is crucial if you experience any symptoms after a car accident, as delaying treatment can lead to further suffering and damage your legal case.

Loss Of A Limb During A Car Accident

When a vehicle rolls over or experiences a severe impact, a limb can be crushed or severed. Although medical procedures may sometimes reattach a severed limb, sometimes it may be impossible due to a lack of blood supply. Studies show that passengers are more likely to suffer amputations in car accidents because they are often less aware of potential hazards on the road. This is evident when a passenger has an arm or leg out of the vehicle. Traumatic amputations are life-altering disabilities that can lead to depression and suicide.

Burn Injury

When a collision occurs, there is a risk of burn injuries to the vehicle occupants from various sources. Burn injuries are categorized into four levels based on their severity. The most severe, fourth degree burns, burn not only the skin but also under it, and can be life-threatening. Third degree burns affect two layers of skin and appear black,and is also called "full thickness burn". Second-degree burns cause redness and blistering of the skin, indicating damage to the dermis layer. First-degree burns, on the other hand, are comparable to sunburn, with redness and pain but no blistering.

Burn victims from electrical battery fires often have Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). Chemical burns are severe. The National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB) warned of safety risks inherent to occupants of electric cars. The NTSB provided guidelines NTSB provided guidelines on how firefighters should extinguish these fires to avoid fires that reignite after being put out.

Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) In Car Accidents

The traumatic experience of being involved in a car crash may be so difficult that it affects a person emotionally for a long time after the accident. The symptoms of PTSD can impact a person's daily life, making them react strongly to loud noises or become fearful of driving again. The affected person may also experience changes in mood and have bad memories of the accident. Some people may even have recurring nightmares of the accident and their injuries. It is important to seek professional help if you are experiencing symptoms of PTSD after a car accident. For a more complete list of PTSD symptoms.

Wrongful Death In Car Accidents

In car accident cases, when someone loses their life due to the negligence of another, it is called a wrongful death. The responsible driver and others can be sued for negligence. For example, if a delivery truck driver working for a grocery chain drove carelessly and caused the crash, the corporation is likely responsible for the employee’s actions. Usually, the family, can bring claim in a wrongful death case. In Florida, siblings can also file a legal claim. The survivors of the victim are dealing with emotional distress. However, in Florida, there is a time limit of two years to file a wrongful death lawsuit, so it's important to contact a Palm Beach Gardens wrongful death lawyer as soon as possible. While no amount of money can replace a loved one, a wrongful death legal professional can help seek justice by obtaining financial compensation to ease the burden on the family.

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Types of Car Accidents: Driving While Impaired

An intoxicated driver has a higher likelihood of causing an accident due to their reduced cognitive ability. Driving while under the influence of drugs or alcohol is a common cause of car accidents. Impaired drivers can be held liable for any damages or injuries caused by their negligence. Although statements made by driver are protected by the accident report privilege, criminal reports are admissible into evidence in civil trials.

Driving While Distracted

Distracted driving happens when the driver is busy with something else instead of focusing on driving. This can include using electronic devices, eating, drinking, or even talking to passengers. Distracted driving is a leading cause of car accidents and can result in serious injuries or fatalities. A driver who causes an accident while distracted can be held liable for damages and injuries.

Carelessly or Recklessly Driving

Careless driving is when a driver fails to operate their vehicle in a safe and responsible manner. Reckless driving, on the other hand, is when a driver’s actions could objectively be the cause of an accident. Both careless and reckless driving can result in serious accidents, and the responsible driver can be held liable for any damages or injuries caused.

Driving Too Fast

Speeding is a common cause of car accidents, and even going 5 mph over the speed limit can be dangerous. Speeding reduces the amount of time a driver has to react to other vehicles or obstacles and can increase the severity of any resulting accident.

Failure of Vehicle Components

Vehicle owners have a responsibility to properly maintain their cars, including regular inspections and repairs. Failure to keep a vehicle in a safe manner can cause mechanical failure and cause an accident. Mechanical failure can include issues with brakes, tires, and steering systems.

Driving At Night

Driving at night can be more difficult due to reduced visibility and the effects of fatigue. Nighttime drivers may have trouble focusing on objects, and glare from another car’s headlights can decrease peripheral vision. Nighttime accidents can result in serious injuries or fatalities, and drivers can be held liable for any damages or injuries caused by their negligence.

Looking For A Personal Injury Law Firm Near Palm beach Gardens Florida

We understand that being involved in a car accident can be a traumatic and overwhelming experience. At the Law Office of Roger P. Foley, we are here to help you navigate through this difficult time. Our auto accident team will work tirelessly to ensure that you receive justice-money.

We understand the impact that a car accident can have on your life, from the medical bills piling up to the stress of being unable to work. That's why our team of legal professionals are here to help. We are ready to negotiate with insurance companies and prepare for trial, if necessary.

Our law firm is located at 1555 Palm Beach Lakes Blvd., Suite 1555 in West Palm Beach, Florida, and we are proud to serve the Palm Beach Gardens community. If you or a loved one has been injured in a car accident, don't hesitate to contact our firm. “Just Call Me” Roger P. Foley at (561) 746-7076 for a free consultation.

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Client Reviews
I was charged with Domestic Violence few years ago and I was referred to Roger Foley from a family member! Roger is a BULLDOG! He was great ... Thomas
My wife (Mother of Stepson) and I Hired Mr Foley to represent my stepson in a minor criminal case. We would highly recommend ... Steve
Roger P. Foley got me reinstated. Also he got my COS waived, and got me to still be terminated off of probation on my expected termination date ... Jamar
Roger is a very compassionate person, he truly cares about his clients. He helped me with my case and was there for me every step of the way ... Cassandra G.
I think your firm did a great job on 3 cases that were 28 years old. The results are better than expected. I truly appreciate the hard work that ... Jim
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