Breach of the Peace; Disorderly Conduct - Florida Statute 877.03

Are you being charged, in Palm Beach County, Florida with Disorderly Conduct? We are Disorderly Conduct Attorneys located in West Palm Beach. When you are arrested for Disorderly Conduct you want a lawyer that understands and practices in this area of law. Don’t hire a lawyer that dabbles in the art of criminal defense, hire a criminal defense attorney that has extensive experience in Disorderly Conduct cases. Your attorney needs to have knowledge and experience but also needs to know the players. Knowing the players comes from years of being inside the courtroom. Finding the best criminal defense attorney in Palm Beach County, for your case, is difficult. You need to review their educational background, experience in criminal cases, their reputation in the community, and their ability to communicate with you, the client. The quality of the criminal defense attorney you hire to defend your Disorderly Conduct case is extremely important. We ask that you consider our South Florida Criminal Defense Attorneys.
Disorderly Conduct Palm Beach County Defense Lawyer
A variety of behaviors fall under the umbrella of Disorderly Conduct; Police will use this charge when arresting someone who is acting unruly and when they need to take control over an unstable situation. For example, going to someone’s place of work (or home) and screaming at them, starting a riot, initiating a fight, obstructing traffic in some way, playing music at an unreasonable volume, loitering, and even using offensive and obscene language can all result in a Disorderly Conduct charge in Palm Beach County.
Florida Statute 877.03 Definition and Punishment
In the State of Florida, Disorderly Conduct, or Statute 877.03, is defined as someone committing an act that corrupts public morals, outrages public decency, disturbs the peace and quiet of others, starts a fight, or acts in a way that breaches the peace.
It is easy to see from the definition that whether or not your behavior warrants a Disorderly Conduct charge, is open to interpretation. Depending on the situation, one police officer might give you a warning, while another may charge you immediately. Throughout the United States, Disorderly Conduct is one of the most widely abused charges used by police officers. Most cases result in a he said/she said argument with a police officer regarding your behavior. While Disorderly Conduct is not the most severe of charges, it still carries the penalty of a second-degree misdemeanor if convicted, meaning:
- You can face up to 60 days in jail and a potential fine of $500.
Another nuisance of this charge (if you are convicted), is the stigma that comes with being convicted of a criminal offense. Every time you fill out an employment, license or school application, you will have to truthfully answer the criminal charge section and may have to explain your actions.
Have You Been Charged with Disorderly Conduct in Palm Beach County?
At The Law Offices of Roger P. Foley, our attorneys have handled many cases of Disorderly Conduct and will fight for you to have the charge dropped or lessened in some way. It is the prosecutor’s job to fight for a conviction; in order for the prosecutor to have you convicted of this charge, he/she must prove that:
- Your behavior breached the peace;
- You engaged in a brawl or fight;
- You disturbed the peace and quiet of others;
- Your behavior corrupted public morals in some way (Simply put, that your actions had a direct effect on the public).
While Disorderly Conduct is considered a lower level crime, do not discount the impact and aggravation this charge will have on your life. Police officers commonly use the phrase, “You may beat the charge but you won’t beat the ride.” Basically, you are going to jail tonight, regardless if you beat the charge later in court; the cop feels as though he wins either way, because your life is about to be impacted but nothing will happen to him. Simply put, this charge is going to put stress on your life between the time, energy, monetary and emotional setbacks it will impose on you. Our attorneys can help to make this process as simple and stress-free as possible. Do not diminish the seriousness of having a conviction on your record and step in to the courtroom without aggressive representation. Our attorneys understand how important it is for our clients to avoid a conviction and incarceration, and minimize future risks regarding their education and career opportunities.
We can help you with your Disorderly Conduct charge; call us today at (561) 746-7076 to discuss your case, potential defense strategies, and whether or not you may be a good candidate for a Diversion Program in Palm Beach.